4930 bands in total; 1638 (33%) require samples; 730 (15%) require VR proof; 2561 (52%) require both

1185 (28% of) sample-less bands have a release on Discogs (1078), musik-sammler.de (28) or both (79), potentially for sale
1718 (35%) bands have a search alert set up on Soulseek; 59 have a request thread on HMR (that's 1 in 84; at least 279 might benefit from creating one and a further 665 still need to be looked up)
1291 (26%) bands still need to be looked up on Discogs (597), musik-sammler.de (885) and/or Soulseek (238)

Since June 17 2023, we have been able to remove 7719 entries from this list (an average of 13 per day; at this rate it would take 379 days to clear the current list)
88% of band entries are older than 1 year, 52% are older than 2, 2.8% are older than 5
Out of those older than 8 years, 35 bands are still lacking VR proof, so maybe time to lay them to rest

~ Go back to The Thread ~

Latest 100 entries || ALL || 1# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | The | U | V | W | X | Y | Z || Contributors || Solved entries || Countries

Black | Death | Doom/Stoner/Sludge | Electronic/Industrial | Experimental/Avant-garde | Folk/Viking/Pagan | Gothic | Grindcore | Groove | Heavy | Metalcore/Deathcore | Power | Progressive | Speed | Symphonic | Thrash | Unknown

ID Name Country AKA Genre VR Samples Discogs ms.de Slsk HMR Notes User Posted
10759 4 Pressure Deu 4Pressure Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
10216 Aerius USA Symphonic/Power Metal ? Antioch 2023-09-26
47 Aggressive Culture Bel Power/Groove Metal BuriedUnborn 2022-07-15
10738 Alesia Fra Death/Thrash/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-04
9675 Allied Force USA Heavy/Power Metal, Hard Rock ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-16
12180 Amnesia Aus Heavy/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-07-24
10758 Asylum USA Heavy/Power Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
11232 Attract Jpn Power Metal ? ? billm99uk 2024-01-02
10742 Avalanche Grc Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-04
227 Barrok Esp Speed/Power Metal (early); Hard Rock (later) ? BlackFlag 2021-06-30
232 Battle Cry USA Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-06-02
265 Black Master USA Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-22
10340 Blitz USA Progressive Heavy/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-10-08
317 Breakpoint Grc Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-10-04
580 Cherry Wine Ita Power Metal KingSpooky 2023-05-20
9358 Cold Embrace Ind Power Metal ? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063540378471 S9NE 2023-08-27
647 Crossfire Grc Melodic Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-10-30
655 Crystal Myth USA Power Metal KingSpooky 2022-04-24
667 Dagashard Arg Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-26
10756 Draven USA Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
796 Dream Maker Bra Power/Speed Metal ? KingSpooky 2020-12-24
800 Driada Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2021-10-19
8621 Element 16 USA Power Metal ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
10760 Elivian's Dream Deu Progressive Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
816 Elixir Arg Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-02-22
817 Embers Fire Nor Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-04-11
10571 Eternal Flames Chn Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-19
5715 Euphoria Hun Power Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12181 EuthanAsia USA Heavy/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-07-24
920 Forbidden Forecast Fin Power Metal Miro Alhonniemi 2023-05-02
12557 Forlorn Jpn Melodic Power Metal ? ? ? ? billm99uk 2025-02-08
10757 Formerly Normal USA Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
11513 Gluteus Band Srb Power/Thrash/Folk Metal ? from serbian-metal.org Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
969 God Given Sick Surprise Deu Power Metal ? Witcher 2021-05-31
10358 Heatscore Can Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-10-12
1019 Heavy Metal Rus Тяжёлый Металл, Чёрное Дело Doom, Proto-Power, Prog Rock ? additional info; 0 owners on Discogs; additional info slon1936 2023-04-29
10747 Helheim Ita Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
10745 Heptafy Bra Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-04
9365 Homelock Hun Power Metal RetinalBurns 2023-08-18
1054 Hostage USA Heavy/Power Metal/Hard Rock ? ? KingSpooky 2023-02-23
1067 Hyrkanian Blades Grc/Ita Epic Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-03-07
10741 Impiety Swe Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-04
1140 Javelin Swe Speed/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-01-22
12285 Justicia Divina Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? ? ? BlackFlag 2024-09-07
502 Kadanek Arg Progressive Power Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
12315 Karma Score Jpn Heavy/Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-13
11136 Klyster Col Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal ? ? additional info XLUIS3333 2023-12-26
1211 Last Autumn USA Heavy/Power Metal/Rock ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-07-30
10762 Last Disciple Deu Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
1214 Last Savior Deu Symphonic Power Metal ? MDL 2022-05-09
10743 Legendary Symphony Esp Power Metal ? previously listed Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-04
11863 Lendervay Esp Progressive/Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2024-02-25
5400 Leopárd Hun Power Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
1226 Lester Haze USA Heavy/Progressive/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-11-30
1237 Lob Losos Fin Power/Speed Metal ? 7'' is a test press PaganiusI 2019-11-10
1244 Loriensky Esp Lorienskÿ Heavy/Power Metal (early); Progressive Power Metal (later) ? BlackFlag 2020-07-21
1250 Lucifer Jpn Power/Speed Metal ? Witcher 2021-12-27
1254 Lupus Grupus Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2022-10-23
10737 Madman Symphony Can Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-03
10699 Magia Eterna Arg Gothic/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-02
1277 Malicious Intent USA Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-14
12523 Manipulator USA Heavy/Power Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2025-02-02
1286 Marshall Law USA Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-06-18
1293 Mathusala USA Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-02-12
5455 Meridian Hun Heavy/Power Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
1326 Metalstorm USA Heavy/Power Metal additional info KingSpooky 2021-11-01
1360 MoonVeil Grc Progressive/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-03-02
9385 Mutilist USA Melodic Power/Thrash Metal ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt PaganiusI 2023-08-20
11203 Mutinies Aggression USA Progressive Thrash/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-12-31
1403 Mystify USA Power Metal, Hard Rock KingSpooky 2021-11-01
12311 Orihalcon Jpn Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-12
10439 Outcry USA Heavy/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-11-01
5502 Pavor Hun Power/Thrash Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
5504 Petrol Hun Power Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12398 Presto Jpn Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-10-09
12399 Pride Jpn Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-10-09
12445 Project Jpn Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-11-02
1632 Requiem USA Progressive Speed/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-05
12331 Rosario Impale Jpn Melodic Power/Speed Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-16
1240 Ruben Lodewijk Nld Heavy/Power Metal ? multiple projects KingSpooky 2022-08-03
1692 Santuario Arg Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-19
11985 Savage Instinct USA Heavy/Power Metal with Hard Rock elements ? ? KingSpooky 2024-03-12
1707 Scarecrows Deu Groove/Power/Speed/Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-03-25
3806 Scarlet Pry Power Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
10748 Second Shave Ita Progressive Heavy/Power/Doom Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
397 Seis de Basto Arg Heavy/Power Metal ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
11653 Sevenseas Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-29
1728 Seventh Flame Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-06-16
1731 Seventh Thunder USA Heavy/Power Metal ? Witcher 2021-10-10
12316 Sharman Jpn Heavy/Power Metal/Hard Rock ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-13
1742 Shelter Jpn Heavy/Speed/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-02-01
1751 Siervos & Villanos Arg Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2021-06-19
1781 Sledge USA Thrash/Power/Groove Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
495 Sonia Macchiavello Arg Symphonic/Melodic Power/Heavy Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
1801 Soryn Esp Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2022-01-05
1803 Soulhunter ? Heavy/Speed/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-05
1804 Source of Steel USA Heavy/Power Metal ? to check back on KingSpooky 2022-07-21
1805 Souter Fell Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2022-01-05
1830 Stato Brado Ita Status Braida, Statvs Braida Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-09-29
1838 Stigmata USA Heavy/Power Metal KingSpooky 2023-03-17
1855 Stricken by Fate USA Power/Heavy Metal ? probably same as blacklisted band? KingSpooky 2021-04-29
1858 Stryker CHE Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-12-29
1875 Suzy Suicide Jpn Power Metal ? billm99uk 2022-02-18
10746 Symbiosys Ita Progressive Heavy/Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
9417 Tempestuous Bra? Power/Thrash Metal ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt PaganiusI 2023-08-20
12088 ThunderStrike Ita Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-05-12
1978 Tondraft Swe Heavy/Thrash/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-12-23
2036 Unresolved Ita Heavy/Power/Progressive Metal ? G One 2021-05-23
12378 Very Metall Swe Power Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-10-01
2061 Vicious Jester Deu Power/Folk Metal ? additional info BlackFlag 2022-07-11
10753 Virtual Reality USA Progressive Power Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
2075 Visionary Swe Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2022-07-11
2076 Vital Force USA Progressive/Power Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-03-27
10752 Wikked Wayz USA Power/Heavy Metal, Hard Rock ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
2116 Wizard Srb Heavy/Power Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2023-02-01
10733 Wizard Svk Power/Speed Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-03
5591 Wizard Lizard Hun Power/Thrash Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
2124 Wrath of God Grc Power/Thrash Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-08-18
12330 Xa'dow Jpn Melodic Power Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-16
2163 Герцог Blr Gertsog Heavy/Power Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-12-23
2450 Злая Принцесса Rus Neoclassical/Power Metal ? slon1936 2023-06-20
7033 Лайнер Rus Power Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
7167 Троя Rus Heavy/Power Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08