4930 bands in total; 1638 (33%) require samples; 730 (15%) require VR proof; 2561 (52%) require both

1185 (28% of) sample-less bands have a release on Discogs (1078), musik-sammler.de (28) or both (79), potentially for sale
1718 (35%) bands have a search alert set up on Soulseek; 59 have a request thread on HMR (that's 1 in 84; at least 279 might benefit from creating one and a further 665 still need to be looked up)
1291 (26%) bands still need to be looked up on Discogs (597), musik-sammler.de (885) and/or Soulseek (238)

Since June 17 2023, we have been able to remove 7719 entries from this list (an average of 13 per day; at this rate it would take 379 days to clear the current list)
88% of band entries are older than 1 year, 52% are older than 2, 2.8% are older than 5
Out of those older than 8 years, 35 bands are still lacking VR proof, so maybe time to lay them to rest

~ Go back to The Thread ~

Latest 100 entries || ALL || 1# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | The | U | V | W | X | Y | Z || Contributors || Solved entries || Countries

Black | Death | Doom/Stoner/Sludge | Electronic/Industrial | Experimental/Avant-garde | Folk/Viking/Pagan | Gothic | Grindcore | Groove | Heavy | Metalcore/Deathcore | Power | Progressive | Speed | Symphonic | Thrash | Unknown

ID Name Country AKA Genre VR Samples Discogs ms.de Slsk HMR Notes User Posted
4174 N.A.J.S. USA Not Assholes Just Scum ? ? KingSpooky 2022-03-03
10929 N.E.M CHE Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-16
1404 N.I.Q. Deu? Thrash Metal ? Azmodes 2018-07-07
3434 N.T. Hkg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
1406 Nachtvomit USA Raw Black Metal ? airzez 2022-07-21
11832 Naked Daisy USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
10413 Nameless Fra ? KingSpooky 2023-10-21
2302 Nameless Chl ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
9101 Napalm Kill Death Terror Deu ? joke band, fake release? RetinalBurns 2023-08-12
10487 Napalm Terror Deu Thrash Metal with Hardcore influences ? KingSpooky 2023-11-09
3386 Naqsh Pak ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
8657 Narraka Mys Death Metal ? baldadeath 2023-04-21
10215 National Gold Gbr Heavy Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-25
1410 Native Scream Bra Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2021-12-11
11265 Náttskógr Mex Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-04
2938 Naturaleza Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2939 Nazaret Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3833 Nazca Ury ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2646 Nazgul Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
4199 Nazz Can ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-04-24
11837 Neanderthal Bra Thrash Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-02-12
3798 Neanderthal Pry Thrash Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
9701 Near Death Experience Gbr ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
5037 Nebula Tur ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-19
207 Nebylshchina Aze ? ? slon1936 2023-05-08
1411 Necro USA Death Metal ? ? additional info Witcher 2019-02-14
369 Necrobios Ury ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
11128 Necrodulia Bra Death/Black Metal ? XLUIS3333 2023-12-26
11388 Necrodust Deu Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-12
4221 Necrofist Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
1413 Necrofobia Mex Thrash Metal ? baldadeath 2023-04-08
11210 Necrogoat Cyp Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
10989 Necrogod Esp Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-20
8725 Necrolytic USA Necrolyptic Death/Extreme Metal ? from Wisconsin list; additional info KingSpooky 2021-11-28
2647 Necromancer Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
6765 Necromancy Rus Black Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
1412 Necromantical Psalm Fin Black Metal additional info PaganiusI 2020-11-15
10935 Necromonia Aut Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-16
2940 Necromorgue Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2370 Necrophajeando Chl ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
1414 Necrophobia Bgr ? ? KingSpooky 2022-06-20
206 Necropolis Aze ? ? slon1936 2023-05-08
11282 Necropsalm Grc Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-05
1416 Necropsia Chl Death Metal ? PaganiusI 2022-01-21
4222 Necrosis Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
1418 Necrosomething Dnk ? ? https://www.metal-archives.com/artists/Allan_J._Follin/243507; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-09
12223 Nefarious Gbr Death Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-08-11
2854 Nefarius Cub Death Metal ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
1421 Neferum Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2022-08-13
1422 Neffarius USA Crossover ? KingSpooky 2022-05-02
5038 Negative Moves Tur ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-19
2990 Negative Perception USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
350 Negative Sanity USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
11918 Negativearth Irl Thrash Metal ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-03-01
9559 Negrobutcher Fin Black Metal ? 💩 NSBM; additional info; 💩 Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-01
1424 Nekron Grc Heavy Metal BuriedUnborn 2022-05-26
1425 Nemesis Ita Heavy/Progressive Metal ? same as 6517? G One 2021-05-23
9700 Nemesis Gbr ? ? ? from Friday Rock Show; Redditch; additional info KingSpooky 2023-09-20
12369 Nemesis Can Heavy/Thrash Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-09-28
6517 Nemesis Ita ? ? same as 1425? KingSpooky 2021-12-08
3994 Nemesis ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3993 Nemesis ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3720 Nemesis Nic ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3497 Nemesis Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11686 Nemesis Can Heavy Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-01
12395 Nemicide USA Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-10-09
11604 Neo Throne Swe Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-26
3612 Neotheofacist Bol Thrash Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
2987 Nepenth USA Nepanth ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
1426 Nepride Hun ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-23
11039 Nero Ita Melodic Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-22
9389 Nesray USA Prog Metal/Djent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info PaganiusI 2023-08-20
11827 Nested Jpn Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? billm99uk 2024-02-11
3995 Netz ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
12077 Neuralgia Grc Thrash/Heavy Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-05-07
9390 Neuroid Ita Crossover Thrash ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info PaganiusI 2023-08-20
2941 Neurosis Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
1427 Neurotripsick Ita? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-19
3767 Neutrasmo Pan ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9654 Neutron Rou Heavy Metal ? baldadeath 2023-09-11
1430 Never Rus Thrash Metal/Crossover ? KingSpooky 2021-12-21
10844 Never Can Heavy/Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
3056 Never USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
6767 Neverending Blame Rus Depressive Black Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
1431 Nevirus Col? Swe? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-04-24
6537 New Frontier Swe Metal/Punk ? KingSpooky 2022-12-20
11621 Newborn Aus Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-27
11317 Nex Sepulchrum Gbr Black Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-06
10506 Next USA Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-11-15
3667 Nexus Dom Heavy/Thrash Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
3356 Nexus Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3357 NH-39 Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
8905 NH3 Arg ? ? baldadeath 2023-07-23
3191 Niassi Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11740 Nice 'n Dirty Deu Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? additional info; additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
10642 Nichten Aut Black Metal ? additional info Azmodes 2023-11-27
1432 Nicodemus USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-03-15
10304 Night Prowler USA ? herra_af_lik 2023-10-02
1434 Night Wings ? ? ? G One 2021-05-01
10243 Nightcry Deu Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-26
1435 Nightflight Ita Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2020-12-26
2651 Nighthawk Gbr NWOBHM ? Liverpool KingSpooky 2021-07-13
1436 Nightlife Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2023-05-20
12298 Nightmare Sgp Black/Death Metal ? ? ? Necrodictator 2024-09-09
1437 Nightmare Ita Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-01-08
10349 Nightmareland Col ? ? PaganiusI 2023-10-11
1438 NightRiders Arg Heavy/Speed Metal ? to check back on; additional info KingSpooky 2023-02-19
3996 Nightwarrior ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
4223 Nightwing Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
9690 Nihilism USA Thrash Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-19
12626 Nihilist Swe ? ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
10415 Nik Fra ? sp? KingSpooky 2023-10-21
12586 Nimrod Nor Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
8632 Ninth Configuration USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
3613 Nix Bol Nyx Heavy Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
11377 No Breath Deu Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-11
1439 No Contracts Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2023-01-21
1441 No Exit Ita ? ? G One 2021-05-01
3998 No Heroes ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
2653 No Justice Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
3029 No Justice USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
1442 No Limits Deu Crossover, Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2020-12-17
1444 No Mercy USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-12-06
1445 No Mercy USA Progressive Metal/Rock ? ? KingSpooky 2023-05-31
1446 No Name CHE Thrash Metal with Groove Metal elements ? ? same as this? KingSpooky 2021-05-07
3192 No Named Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3499 No Named Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11828 No Reason USA Thrash Metal/Hardcore/Crossover ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
1447 No Remorse USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-20
8379 No Rulz USA Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-07-01
10898 No Solution USA Thrash/Heavy Metal/Hardcore ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-13
10274 No Sweat Gbr ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-30
11209 No Way Out Lux Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
1443 No-Mercy Jpn Heavy Metal/Hard Rock KingSpooky 2020-12-17
503 Noble Tyranny USA ? ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3193 Nocturnal Mdg ? ? to check back on; additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
1448 Nocturnal Fear USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-04-20
1449 Nocturnal Forest Fin Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2022-07-22
9539 Nocturnis Horis Ita Black Metal ? baldadeath 2023-08-29
3420 Noel 8 Chn ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9656 NoirnOirnoIrnoiR Ncl Black Metal ? additional info PaganiusI 2023-09-12
9607 Noise of Voice Fin Heavy Metal Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-05
9537 Noisy Forest USA Melodic Groove Metal ? RetinalBurns 2023-08-27
444 Nomine Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
10832 Non of Us Nld Thrash/Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
401 Non Serbian Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
5487 Nonsense Hun Heavy Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
9610 Nonsliplevel Fin Groove Metal Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-05
2352 Noobish CHE ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
340 Noobs USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
9100 Norge Nor Black Metal ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2023-08-12
1451 Northaya Esp ? ? KingSpooky 2021-06-16
12308 Northern Tyr Jpn Heavy Metal ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-12
11981 Nosey Road Bwa ? ? baldadeath 2024-03-08
5311 Nosferactu Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
8906 Nosferatu Arg Heavy Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2023-07-23
10599 Nosilence Fin Death/Groove Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-22
464 Nostradamus Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3835 Nostradamus Ury ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
4001 Not ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
5489 Notre Dame Hun Neoclassical Metal (early); Hard Rock (later) ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12617 Nouset Bra Death/Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
5312 Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
1455 Nu-Humans Aus Heavy Metal ? Witcher 2021-06-20
9391 Nuclear Attack Col Thrash Metal ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info PaganiusI 2023-08-20
9562 Nuclear Damage Fin ? ? Antioch 2023-09-01
1452 Nuclear Rain Ita Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-01-07
1454 Nueva Sangre Arg Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-27
3194 Nugax Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
1456 Nuked Deu Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-03-22
5492 Numb Hun Hardcore/Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
10604 Nuragha Nld Stoner/Groove Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-22
9665 Nutronium Death USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-14
1458 Nystagmus USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-04-26