ID Name Country AKA Genre VR Samples Discogs Slsk HMR Notes User Posted
12527 独断 Jpn Heavy Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2025-02-04
11449 #213 Dnk ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-19
2463 01-Band Gbr NWOBHM ? yes, this is a real band KingSpooky 2021-07-13
482 12 Gauge USA Groove Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2207 4Q Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3312 5 Zenith Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
490 6L6 Arg Heavy/Speed Metal BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
4068 9th Degree Gbr ? ? MA link MDL 2022-04-01
10947 A Sonic Incident Dnk Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-17
10 A.A.D. Swe Armed and Dangerous ? KingSpooky 2023-03-24
39 A.F.A. USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-06-07
2204 A.L.I.C.E. Ita ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-11-04
14 Abaddon Deu Black Metal MDL 2022-04-06
513 Abadon Arg Black Metal ? to check back on BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3075 Abat-War Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3076 Abatoara Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3812 Abbadon Ury ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3077 Abidi Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3590 Abolición Bol ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2465 Abraxas Gbr Abraxus NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
8823 Absolum USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
2235 Absolute Hatred Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
10514 Abstract Bel ? ? additional info; from Face Your Underground compilation series KingSpooky 2022-11-18
26 Abszess Deu Death Metal PaganiusI 2020-09-12
5599 Abyss Hun Thrash/Groove Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
2875 Acceso Prohibido Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
29 Accidental Suicide USA Grindcore BuriedUnborn 2023-06-03
12551 Acharith Bra Epic Black Metal ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
4234 Acid Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
11346 Acrosser Arg? Nigthagh, Nightagh Death/Thrash Metal ? XLUIS3333 2024-01-09
33 Acting Out Ita Epic Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2022-11-15
8613 Action Figgas USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
506 Actitud Enemiga Arg ? ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
12599 Acts Bra Black/Doom Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
12286 Adbeel Esp Symphonic/Gothic Metal/Rock ? ? ? BlackFlag 2024-09-07
12588 Adestra Bra Brutal Death/Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
37 Aerielle USA Various KingSpooky 2023-01-27
11288 Aeris Can Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-05
2876 Aeroplano Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
6524 Aesir Swe Thrash Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-12-20
9718 Afflicted Gbr ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
2317 After Death Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3393 After Death Bgd ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
42 AfterImage USA Symphonic Metal/Rock BuriedUnborn 2020-05-19
8840 Afterlife USA ? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
47 Aggressive Culture Bel Power/Groove Metal BuriedUnborn 2022-07-15
8636 Aggressor Arg Heavy/Speed Metal additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
5355 Aggressor Hun Heavy Metal from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
3555 Agony Irq ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9480 Agonya Ita ? ? additional info tahu157 2023-08-25
5352 Ágorah Bra ? ? additional info; from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
5356 Agressor Hun Thrash/Black Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12605 Ahourun USA Death/Doom/Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
2877 Aika Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2835 Aingerluz Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
53 Air Strike USA Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2021-11-12
3078 Akata Mdg Heavy Metal ? to check back on; additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
3632 Akelarre Cri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
384 Akeldama USA Symphonic Death Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
176 Aktsiya Aze ? ? additional info slon1936 2023-05-08
394 Al Acecho Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
8865 Alacran Arg Heavy Metal baldadeath 2023-07-23
8866 Alambike Negro Arg Heavy Metal additional info baldadeath 2023-07-23
452 Alcohólica Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
12613 Álef Hylliel Bra Black/Melodic Death Metal (early); Blackened Ambient (later) ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
56 Aleister Crowley USA ? KingSpooky 2022-06-30
338 Alexander's Attic USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2836 Alianza Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
11858 Alibi Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-24
9571 Alla Xul Fin Black Metal, Dark Ambient ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-03
2470 Allied Force Gbr Allied Forces NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
3055 Allied Nation USA ? ? from, near or played in California; additional info KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3079 Allkiniah Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3033 Alpha Omega USA ? ? from, near or played in California; this band? KingSpooky 2022-03-21
8847 Alquimista Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
11717 Altar-Ego Gbr Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-02
3080 Altarah Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11616 Altered Aus Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-27
4190 Altfel Rou ? ? additional info baldadeath 2023-05-15
11026 Althotas Swe Obscurity Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-22
473 Alto Voltaje Bol Heavy Metal ? same as 3591?; additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3081 Alyen Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2878 Amazonas Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2838 Amenthis Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2241 Amethyst Srb ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3882 Amethyste ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
74 Amorion Fra Symphonic Metal MDL 2022-05-30
3082 Amperus Alegor Mdg Amperus Elgegor ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2879 Amplio Spectrum Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2382 Anameniem Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
12184 Anarcoma 516 Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
2967 Anastatsia USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
11247 Ancient Dark ? Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-03
5615 Ancient Eden Hun Progressive Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
11206 Ancient Funeral Pri Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
2989 Ancient Iron USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
82 Ancients Dawn Esp Symphonic Metal additional info PaganiusI 2022-04-13
2476 Andromeda Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
84 Anesthesia Ita Heavy Metal G One 2021-05-22
6569 Anesthesia Rus Анестезия Thrash/Heavy Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
86 Aneurisma Arg ? BuriedUnborn 2022-07-04
87 Angar Esp ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2021-11-21
3313 Angel Dust Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3726 Angel Rage Pri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
403 Angeles de Acero Arg ? ? not the same as 91; additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
91 Angeles de Acero Arg ? not the same as 403; additional info KingSpooky 2021-11-23
3314 Angellica Ind Born Free ? ? AKA Born Free (name change?) baldadeath 2021-08-18
3085 Angels Mdg Angel's ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3066 Anguish USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
10489 Anguish Deu Technical Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-09
2322 Animal Rock Verde Ecu ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
12624 Animis Chl ? ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
11486 Annabel Lee BIH Progressive Metal ? ? from; additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
11200 Annihilate USA Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-30
12574 Anno Domini Bra ? ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
4070 Anomia Pol Death Metal ? MA link MDL 2022-04-01
2477 Anonamos Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
10246 Antagonist USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-26
100 Anti Ita ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-02-14
103 Anti Christian Attack ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
8604 Anti-Hero USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
4090 Anti-Life Theory Gbr Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
3883 Antiga ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3008 Antigen USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
11178 Antiquity USA Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-28
12594 Antitrevas Bra Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
2245 Anvil Deu ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
101 Anxiety USA ? ? ? not the same as 139 KingSpooky 2021-03-15
139 Anxiety USA ? ? ? not the same as 101 KingSpooky 2022-07-31
5269 Aphelion Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
399 Apocalipsis Arg ? ? Rosario, Santa Fe BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2839 Apocalipsis Cub Thrash Metal ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
105 Apocalypse USA Obsequial Thrash/Death Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-03
3087 Apocalypse Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11196 Apocolyptic Nightmare USA/Fra Apocalyptic Nightmare Death/Black/Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-30
3451 Apoplexy Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3088 Apostat Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
10983 Aquatic Plaque USA Melodic Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-20
467 Ar Ishtar Ven ? ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
11888 Archangel Aus ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-26
191 Argentum Ab Aze ? ? slon1936 2023-05-08
11488 Aria Aeterna Srb Symphonic Metal ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
2840 Aries Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3777 Arise Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
110 Aritmie Ita Progressive Metal ? G One 2020-11-16
5361 Árkádok Hun Heavy Metal from, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
11223 Arlem Ita ? ? ? same as MA link ? KingSpooky 2024-01-02
115 Armageddon Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-05-22
113 Armageddon Esp Black Metal ? PaganiusI 2019-10-18
410 Armageddon Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3779 Armagedom Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3593 Armas Vertiginosas Bol ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2478 Armed Forces Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2479 Armistice Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2480 Arnhem Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2880 Arrecifes Cub ? ? additional info baldadeath 2022-10-30
3814 Arsenal Ury ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
121 Arsenal Fra Speed Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-19
8600 Arsenic USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
2304 Arunkulta Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11214 As If by Evil Nzl Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
137 Ascension USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
120 Ashes of Christ Can Black Metal ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2022-05-21
5627 Askelon Hun Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
2294 Asmodey Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2982 Asphyxia USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
209 ASSA Aze ? ? slon1936 2023-05-08
2482 Assassin Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2483 Assassin Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
126 Assassination Bra ? ? MDL 2022-02-23
12299 Assault Mys Thrash Metal ? ? ? Necrodictator 2024-09-09
128 Assholio Aus ? ? MDL 2022-01-19
12382 Astagnigrat Mys Death/Black Metal ? ? ? baldadeath 2024-10-03
129 Astaroth Bra Black Metal ? baldadeath 2021-08-17
3453 Astharoth Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3316 Astounder Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3454 Astrogoths Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
133 Asylum USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-01-16
2881 Ataud Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3090 Athena Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3636 Aticus Cri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2487 Atlas Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
10465 Atomic on Rush Deu Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-07
156 Aton Curse Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-16
158 Atrocious Death Svk Thrash/Death Metal ? Necrodictator 2022-08-06
2353 Atrosity USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2882 Autoshock Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
405 AV18 Arg Heavy/Speed Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2883 Avalancha Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
11491 Avax Srb ? ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
167 Avenging Angel USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-08-03
10310 Averno Esp Heavy Metal ? BlackFlag 2023-10-03
170 Avoid Ita Heavy/Thrash Metal ? G One 2021-05-22
11492 Awake Srb Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
5630 Awaken Hun Thrash Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
9528 Awaken USA ? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-08-27
344 Awaken USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3455 Axe Tur Barlas Erinç & Axe ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
169 Axe Attack Pak Heavy Metal additional info baldadeath 2021-08-16
2491 Axe Victim Gbr NWOBHM ? Evesham KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2492 Axe Victim Gbr NWOBHM ? Leicester KingSpooky 2021-07-13
12211 Axe Victim Gbr NWOBHM ? ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-08-07
3318 Axecalibre Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9049 Axial Nld? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
174 Axion USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-26
2494 Azarius Irl NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
3091 Azazel Mdg ? ? apparently not the same as 3108? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3842 Azazel Ven ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12564 Azbaruk Armon Bra Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
3781 Azeus Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3092 B.T.M. Mdg ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
3456 B2 Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
8687 Baalzebub USA Black Metal ? from Wisconsin list KingSpooky 2021-11-28
4091 Babies with Rabies Gbr Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
223 Bad Karma USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-01-27
12365 Bad Reputation Gbr Melodic Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-09-28
221 Badge-X Jpn Thrash Metal ? Witcher 2021-09-24
9054 Balhe Hun? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? 💩 NS?; additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt💩 Azmodes 2023-08-12
222 Bamut Rus Black Metal ? airzez 2022-07-21
10846 Bandana Can Death/Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
12213 Bandanna Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2024-08-07
409 Bangladesh Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
12585 Barren Tomb USA Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
228 Basket Case Aus ? ? KingSpooky 2022-10-08
230 Bastille USA ? ? ? Antioch 2016-07-26
3094 Batem Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9479 Bathyron Ita ? ? additional info tahu157 2023-08-25
12406 Battle Axe USA? ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-10-11
232 Battle Cry USA Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-06-02
2202 Battle Cry USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11225 Battlefield Ita ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-02
10692 Bayonet USA Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-01
234 BBP USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-06-07
364 Beat Me Up USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
233 Beauty Kills Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-26
2503 Beef Torpedo Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
9057 Beethoven Rus? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
5634 Behinia Hun Progressive Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
3843 Beisieth Ven ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3844 Beliak Ven ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12437 Belliger Hrv Black Metal ? ? ? airzez 2024-10-31
10638 Beniah ? Technical Death Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-25
11868 Berlin Gbr NWOBHM/Hard Rock ? ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
488 Besthial Arg Thrash Metal/Metalcore ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
12394 Beyond Control USA Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-10-09
12580 Beyond Flesh USA Death/Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
8588 Bile USA ? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
12503 Biolytic Decay USA Death/Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2025-01-25
2449 Black Adder Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2306 Black Blood Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
4092 Black Casket Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
11494 Black Dawn Srb Death Metal/Grindcore ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
263 Black Fire Ita ? ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2021-05-07
5636 Black God Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
3319 Black Insurgents Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3651 Black Light Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
265 Black Master USA Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-22
11833 Black Room USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
5638 Black Secret Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
3320 Black Sultan Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3321 Black Tooth Sabre Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11673 Black Truth Ita Heavy Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-31
3890 Black Vomit Gbr ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3322 Black Widow Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2510 Black Widow Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
3891 Black Wing ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
5639 Blackfire Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
260 Blacksite Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2021-08-23
10677 Blackswarm Ita Melodic Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-30
138 Blade USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
2511 Blade Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
6593 Blame Rus Melodic Metalcore ? slon1936 2023-05-08
278 Blank Deu Progressive Metal ? PaganiusI 2019-11-11
280 Blast Furnace USA Thrash Metal ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2016-11-26
282 Blasted Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-08-28
414 Blaster Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
285 Bleak December USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2022-06-14
8635 Bleed in Clarity USA ? ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
284 Blemish Ita? ? ? G One 2021-04-25
4193 Blind Ambition Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-24
8808 Blind Drive USA ? ? additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
283 Blind Rage Fin Thrash/Death Metal ? GraveWish 2021-07-14
2512 Blind Wolf Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
4194 Blissmass Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-24
286 Blister Jpn ? ? billm99uk 2023-01-21
11340 Blizborz Pol Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-08
11173 Blood of Kain USA Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-28
378 Blood Runs Cold USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
294 Bloodlust Swe Death/Thrash Metal ? Azmodes 2015-06-19
290 Bloodsucker Ita Blood Sucker Heavy Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-05-22
2348 Bloody Prince Pol ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
302 Bloody Souls Esp Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-11
2445 Blue Angel USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-05
5642 Bodega-B Hun Industrial Black Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
9959 Bonded By Strength Can ? ? from Ondes Chocs (Quebecois); to check back on; additional info KingSpooky 2023-09-23
4158 Bone Orchid USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-03-03
3043 Boody Print USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3894 Bordeaux ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
2515 Bordello Gbr NWOBHM ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-07-13
11570 Bore USA? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-23
5644 Bounty Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
4094 Boz Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
4159 Brain Damage USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-03-03
3325 Brain Damage Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9564 Brain Storm Dnk Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-09-01
313 Brando Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-16
2364 Brawl USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
316 Breakneck USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-05-13
317 Breakpoint Grc Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-10-04
11588 Breed Fin Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-25
12185 Brigata Rock Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
12215 Briton Gbr NWOBHM ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-08-07
2884 Brix Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3845 Broken Ven ? ? MA link ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
318 Broken Gate USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-11-29
11496 Broken Mirror Srb Metalcore ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
321 Broken Toys USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-12
11819 Brokken Silence USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
3594 Bronce Bol ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
2247 Brutal Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11127 Brutal Death Bra Thrash Metal ? ? XLUIS3333 2023-12-26
325 Bui3 Arg Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-03-26
3783 Building Heads Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2964 Burial USA ? ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
10921 Burn Out Grc ? ? KingSpooky 2023-12-16
329 Buster'd Rus Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-24
330 Busy Dying USA Metal, Grunge ? KingSpooky 2021-10-11
6600 Butchers Rus Death Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
529 C.A.D. Fin ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-01-01
11046 C.O.P. Ita Corruption of Powerr, Blackage Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-23
11051 C.T.A. Ita Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-23
2885 Cactus Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3729 Cadaver Pri Death Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
3899 Caiaphas ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3900 Cajo ? ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
12253 Camada Cub ? ? ? ? additional info; additional info Zygmunt J 2024-08-21
3677 Camouflage Slv ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2886 Cancer Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3103 Cancer Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3459 Candlelight Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3689 Cannabis Satiba Gtm ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3326 Cannibals Ind ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
11843 Capricorn Ita ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-15
12059 Captain Death Grc Black Metal ? ? Planetary_Misfortune 2024-04-18
9707 Cardinal Sin Gbr ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
5371 Carnage Hun Thrash Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
11497 Carnal Disorder Srb Thrash Metal ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
392 Carne Podrida Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
508 Carne Viva Arg Carneviva ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3460 Carnete Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
549 Caronte Esp Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-06-06
4071 Castiçal Bra ? ? MA link MDL 2022-02-02
550 Castigator USA Death/Thrash Metal ? PaganiusI 2023-02-16
6602 Casus Belli Rus Death Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
551 Cataclyzm USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-20
6603 Catalicon Rus Death Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
4095 Catalyst Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
11707 Catharsis Can Heavy Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-01
454 Cautivo Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
557 Celestial Dawn ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-03
560 Celtime Cze Folk Metal ? Witcher 2019-08-25
2887 Cenit Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
4206 Centaur Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
8629 Cerberus USA ? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
10855 Cerberus Ita Thrash/Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
335 Chain Drive USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
8803 Chaindrive USA ? ? Peoria, Illinois/Davenport, Iowa BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
565 Chainsaw Grc Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-11-12
7398 Chakras Ita ? ? from, possibly already listed or rock; additional info G One 2022-05-10
11601 Chamber 4 Swe Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-26
10441 Chancelus USA Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-01
3327 Chaos Ind Vedic Chant ? ? AKA Vedic Chant (name change?); this one ?; MA link ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
571 Chaotic Candelight ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
3003 Chaotic Mass USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
576 Charlotte Jpn ? ? billm99uk 2022-01-24
12093 Charon Cze Black/Thrash Metal ? ? additional info Necrodictator 2024-05-23
2219 Chaser Deu ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11872 Chayned Mayle Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-25
577 Checkmate USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-01-16
580 Cherry Wine Ita Power Metal KingSpooky 2023-05-20
376 Choptank USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
190 Chornyi Gorod Aze ? ? slon1936 2023-05-08
2456 Chris Miller USA Heavy/Speed Metal/Shred ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-21
2354 Chris Walton USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3283 Christal Death Reu ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2347 Chuck USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
590 Chud USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-16
415 Cienpies Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2888 Claro Oscuro Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
597 Coalition USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-04-28
2527 Cobra Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
598 Code Blue USA? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-26
5666 Colonel Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
10434 Colostomy USA Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-10-31
3004 Colostomy USA ? ? from, near or played in California; this band ? KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3044 Comical Brutality USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
10558 Compressor Rou ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-14
608 Confirm the Fallen USA Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore ? NintenTheMetalhead 2021-02-04
3005 Conjuration of Destruction USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
11498 Consume Srb Morbid Deciever (sp?), Morbid Faith Death Metal ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
408 Contenedor Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2228 Convicted USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
8612 Core USA ? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
11499 Corpophagia Srb Death Metal ? ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
9918 Corpus Christi Gbr NWOBHM/Hard Rock ? KingSpooky 2023-09-22
620 Corpus Funeralis Fra Black Metal ? HellBlazer 2019-12-21
3637 Corrosion Cri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
624 Corrupt USA Thrash Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-05-05
2371 Corsair Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3653 Corte Legal Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11339 Corus Pol Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-08
12367 Cosmos Jor ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
4207 Coven Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
8619 Coya USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-20
628 Cradle of Jesus ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
2971 Crank Lab USA Groove/Thrash Metal ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
2889 Crater Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3259 Craze Mus ? ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
632 Crazy CHE Heavy Metal ? Witcher 2021-01-28
633 Crazy Ms. Dazey USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-10-12
635 Creatura Ita ? ? G One 2021-05-13
636 Creature Teacher Gbr Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-27
637 Cremated Aus ? ? KingSpooky 2022-02-18
2084 Cremathory Mdg Vuxura ? ? formerly known as Vuxura baldadeath 2021-08-16
3534 Crematorium Can? Widows Son ? ? AKA Widows Son (name change?); additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
638 Crescendo in Hell Mdg ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-16
3461 Crimegate Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
639 Criminal USA Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-12-07
2401 Crimson Guard USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2387 Crimson Tide Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
9659 Crimson Unrest Fin Black Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-12
3715 Crisis Nic ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3107 Crisis-T Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9735 Cromatic Death Nor Chromatic Death ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-22
646 Crooked Fate USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-02-21
522 Cross My Blessed Hands Sur Death Metal/Deathcore ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
10351 Crossfire Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-10-11
2312 Crossover Rus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2374 Crown Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2841 Crucified Cub Death/Thrash Metal ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
382 Crucified Heart USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
5673 Crucifixation Hun Grindcore ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
10495 Crusch Alba Deu Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-11
3716 Cruz de Metal Nic ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
4208 Cry Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
654 Cryptic Rays Deu Melodic Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-21
3329 Crystals Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2842 Cuerpo Y Alma Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
9125 Cult Nenavisti Rus? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
9702 Cyanide Gbr ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
143 Cyanide USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
2290 Cyclöne Fra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
150 Cymon Bar Sinister USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
3424 Cynical Hkg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2532 Czar Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
10817 D.I.A. Cze Thrash/Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-10
662 D.O.D Jpn Heavy Metal ? PaganiusI 2018-12-01
3108 D'Azazel Mdg Azazel ? ? apparently not the same as 3091? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12186 Daashlak Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
11831 Dad's a Junkie USA ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
3786 Dafman Hell Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
666 Daga Black Arg ? ? BlackFlag 2021-06-19
7444 Daggers Ita ? ? from, possibly already listed or rock; additional info G One 2022-05-10
11261 Dagrabeness Aus Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-04
9715 Damage Gbr ? ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
2378 Damage Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2890 Damnation Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
12542 Damonian Anario USA DamoniOn Anario Death/Black Metal/Grindcore ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
3462 Danger Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
677 Dario Deu Heavy Metal ? Azmodes 2016-08-08
3330 Dark Ages Ind Dark of Ages ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
679 Dark August USA Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-13
3331 Dark Domain Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
10945 Dark Funeral Prt Black/Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-17
3332 Dark Krusaders Ind Drixian Empire ? ? AKA Drixian Empire (name change?) baldadeath 2021-08-18
4209 Dark Medallion Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
3905 Dark Queen ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
686 Dark Ritual Kaz Black Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-10-22
688 Dark Sanctuaire Brn Gothic Metal ? MDL 2022-04-28
4210 Dark Sanctuary Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
2843 Dark Side Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3655 Dark Simbol Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
8790 Darkened Dreams USA ? ? additional info; from an old v1 list Rasha_yad 2017-10-10
3690 Darker Gtm ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2891 Darkness Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
4096 Darkside Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
5683 Dawn Patrol Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
5686 Days Alone Hun Gothic Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
695 Dazzler Ita? Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-08
487 De la Cruz Arg Heavy/Speed Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3535 Dead Lbn ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
3333 Dead Bones Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
697 Dead End Fra ? ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2021-11-21
349 Dead World USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
6628 Dead Zone Rus Thrash Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
11567 Deadline Gbr Melodic Heavy Metal ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-01-22
11583 Deadlock USA ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-24
9050 Death Agressor Bra ? ? additional info; additional info RetinalBurns 2023-08-12
3060 Death Before Dishonor USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
704 Death by Dinosaur USA ? ? MDL 2022-02-14
3110 Death Child Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2966 Death Construction USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3598 Death Crucifiers Bol ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3556 Death Curse Irq ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
10438 Death Deliverance Swe Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-01
685 Death Incision Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-27
10570 Death Joke ? ? ? ? fake? KingSpooky 2023-11-18
3463 Death Mosh Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9142 Death Never Pain Cze? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
4132 Death Ritual Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2022-11-25
395 Death Wart Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3334 Death's Guitar Ind ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
385 Deathbed Arg Death Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2237 Deathskull Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
710 Deathstalker Grc Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-10-11
3732 Decadence Pri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
713 Decadence USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-26
3067 Decapetator USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
714 Decapitator Aus Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-21
11990 Decay USA ? ? ? ? additional info Necrodictator 2024-03-17
8825 December USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
718 Decembertale USA December Tale Symphonic Metal ? cranial crusher 2021-10-26
4097 Decidian Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
136 Decimation USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
721 Decoder USA Rock, Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-27
722 Decomposed Faith USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-24
4160 Deep Sleep USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-03-03
9148 Defamation USA? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
2538 Defiance Is Easy Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
726 Defiant Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-27
2844 Deformity Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2999 Defusion USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3787 Deimos Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
461 Deja Vu Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2224 Delirium Grc ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2539 Deliverance Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2892 Delta Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
9488 Delusion of Grandeur Nam ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-08-26
732 Demange Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-16
8846 Demencial Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
10456 Dementious Reich USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-03
734 Demise Gbr Death Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-27
9922 Demized Faith USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-09-23
2540 Demonaxe Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
2278 Demonos Sgp ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2541 Demons Eye Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
737 Demonspawn Nld? Bel? Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-03-26
345 Demonx USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
1823 Denny St. Patrick ? Heavy Metal/Shred ? KingSpooky 2023-01-05
2385 Depressive Vomitory Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3112 Depths of Abyss Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12187 Der Golem Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
3906 Desaster Area ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
2893 Descontrol Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
11207 Deseecration Pri Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
421 Desley Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2212 Desperat Pol ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
10348 Dessacra Esp Death Metal ? PaganiusI 2023-10-11
4140 Destination Unknown Deu Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-26
3656 Destiny Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3464 Destiny Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12583 Destruction Seol Bra Death/Black Metal ? ? ? ? additional info Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
8260 Destruction, Violence & Mayhem USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-05
3113 Destruktor Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
6529 Deter-Mind Swe ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-12-20
9341 Detonator Uzb ? ? from Uzrock baldadeath 2023-08-13
11503 Deucalion Mne Black Metal ? ? from; additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
3335 Devil Worshiper Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3908 Devil's Child ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3396 Devil's Den Bgd ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2208 Devilution Can ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
383 Devout Regime USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3039 Diabolic Oblation USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3465 Diabolic Yard Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3114 Dickens Mdg Dickers ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
750 Dictator Jpn Thrash Metal ? billm99uk 2022-03-02
2985 Die Sieger USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
5695 Diesel Hun Heavy Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
4211 Dilapitated Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
2342 Dillinger Fin ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
753 Din Vipor USA Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? KingSpooky 2022-03-30
754 Dire Train Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-09
4098 Dirge Gbr Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
11222 Disaster Ita ? ? ? same as MA link ? KingSpooky 2024-01-02
758 Disaster Area ? Thrash Metal ? G One 2020-11-16
12335 Disaster Gaze Jpn Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-17
2210 Discipline USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11504 Disenthral Srb Death Metal ? from Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
3467 Disharmonic Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
6531 Dishonor Swe ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-12-20
764 Disinterment Swe Black/Death Metal ? bootleg only? Azmodes 2015-06-19
5698 Disorder Hun Hardcore/Metal ? from, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
11446 Disorder USA ? ?