4930 bands in total; 1638 (33%) require samples; 730 (15%) require VR proof; 2561 (52%) require both

1185 (28% of) sample-less bands have a release on Discogs (1078), musik-sammler.de (28) or both (79), potentially for sale
1718 (35%) bands have a search alert set up on Soulseek; 59 have a request thread on HMR (that's 1 in 84; at least 279 might benefit from creating one and a further 665 still need to be looked up)
1291 (26%) bands still need to be looked up on Discogs (597), musik-sammler.de (885) and/or Soulseek (238)

Since June 17 2023, we have been able to remove 7719 entries from this list (an average of 13 per day; at this rate it would take 379 days to clear the current list)
88% of band entries are older than 1 year, 52% are older than 2, 2.8% are older than 5
Out of those older than 8 years, 35 bands are still lacking VR proof, so maybe time to lay them to rest

~ Go back to The Thread ~

Latest 100 entries || ALL || 1# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | The | U | V | W | X | Y | Z || Contributors || Solved entries || Countries

Black | Death | Doom/Stoner/Sludge | Electronic/Industrial | Experimental/Avant-garde | Folk/Viking/Pagan | Gothic | Grindcore | Groove | Heavy | Metalcore/Deathcore | Power | Progressive | Speed | Symphonic | Thrash | Unknown

ID Name Country AKA Genre VR Samples Discogs ms.de Slsk HMR Notes User Posted
11862 D & G Esp D&G Progressive Metal/Shred ? ? BlackFlag 2024-02-25
2276 D-Day USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
660 D.F.A. Can Drug Free Attitude ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-16
10817 D.I.A. Cze Thrash/Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-10
661 D.I.C.K Jpn Heavy Metal ? billm99uk 2022-02-18
12480 D.M.L. USA Heavy Metal ? ? ? joecubbie 2024-12-28
11797 D.O.C. USA Heavy Metal ? ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-06
662 D.O.D Jpn Heavy Metal ? PaganiusI 2018-12-01
12231 D.O.G. USA Departure of God Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-08-16
663 D.O.T. Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-19
3108 D'Azazel Mdg Azazel ? ? apparently not the same as 3091? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12186 Daashlak Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
664 Dachau Ukr Raw Black Metal/Punk ? 💩 NS; additional info; additional info; 💩 MetalCuresHeadaches 2022-03-23
11831 Dad's a Junkie USA ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-11
3786 Dafman Hell Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
666 Daga Black Arg ? ? BlackFlag 2021-06-19
667 Dagashard Arg Heavy/Power Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-26
7444 Daggers Ita ? ? from italianmetal.it, possibly already listed or rock; additional info G One 2022-05-10
11261 Dagrabeness Aus Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-04
9715 Damage Gbr ? ? ? from Friday Rock Show KingSpooky 2023-09-20
2378 Damage Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
668 Damage Control Deu Crossover KingSpooky 2022-10-04
10370 Damage Done Fra Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-10-15
670 Damaskus USA Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2020-12-12
671 Damián Agurto Chl Progressive Metal ? MDL 2022-01-15
673 Damian Steel USA Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? KingSpooky 2023-03-07
672 Damion Angel USA Death Metal/Metalcore KingSpooky 2023-02-22
674 Damn Nation Can Hardcore, Thrash Metal KingSpooky 2022-06-17
9602 Damnation Fin Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-04
2890 Damnation Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
675 Damnation Rites Col Blackened Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-24
12542 Damonian Anario USA DamoniOn Anario Death/Black Metal/Grindcore ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
676 Dancing Skeleton USA Heavy Metal additional info Witcher 2019-04-02
3462 Danger Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
8993 Danger USA Heavy Metal RetinalBurns 2023-08-10
12155 Dangerous Babies Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-07-12
11876 Dangerous Toys Gbr Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
677 Dario Deu Heavy Metal ? Azmodes 2016-08-08
678 Dark Ages Can Heavy/Thrash Metal/Shred ? KingSpooky 2022-07-27
3330 Dark Ages Ind Dark of Ages ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
679 Dark August USA Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-13
11795 Dark Blue USA Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-06
680 Dark Cove Gbr Black Metal ? Halloween 2015-07-04
682 Dark Crusade Gbr Heavy/Speed Metal with Punk elements ? KingSpooky 2021-08-31
12024 Dark Crusaders USA Thrash/Heavy Metal ? ? from Moshking.com; additional info KingSpooky 2024-03-29
10217 Dark Deception Deu Thrash/Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-09-26
11877 Dark Disciples of Death Gbr ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
3331 Dark Domain Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12062 Dark Exorcist ? Thrash/Death Metal ? ? additional info; additional info Planetary_Misfortune 2024-04-18
10709 Dark Flame Ita Gothic/Doom Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-02
684 Dark Forces ? Thrash Metal ? from Yugoslavia KingSpooky 2022-07-18
10945 Dark Funeral Prt Black/Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-17
11603 Dark Haagen Swe Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-26
3332 Dark Krusaders Ind Drixian Empire ? ? AKA Drixian Empire (name change?) baldadeath 2021-08-18
4209 Dark Medallion Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
12025 Dark Mercenary USA Thrash Metal/Crossover ? ? from Moshking.com; additional info KingSpooky 2024-03-29
9510 Dark Necropoly Moz Death Metal ? to check back on later; additional info BuriedUnborn 2023-08-26
11259 Dark Paganism Chl Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-04
3905 Dark Queen ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
12233 Dark Revenge Hun Thrash Metal ? ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-08-19
686 Dark Ritual Kaz Black Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-10-22
11840 Dark Ritual USA Doom/Groove Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-13
687 Dark Romance Death Mex Black/Death Metal ? MA link baldadeath 2021-11-19
688 Dark Sanctuaire Brn Gothic Metal ? MDL 2022-04-28
4210 Dark Sanctuary Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
689 Dark Scorn Deu Black Metal ? PaganiusI 2019-09-03
2843 Dark Side Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
3655 Dark Simbol Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11378 Dark Slaughter Deu Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-11
8790 Darkened Dreams USA ? ? additional info; from an old v1 list Rasha_yad 2017-10-10
3690 Darker Gtm ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9136 Darkest Days USA Industrial/Progressive Metal ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
12419 Darkest Exit USA Metal/Hardcore ? ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-10-16
691 Darkness Grc? Heavy Metal/Rock ? KingSpooky 2023-03-24
12359 Darkness Jpn Heavy Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-27
2891 Darkness Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
692 Darkness Profanation Bra Black Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-10-08
693 Darkning Mass Can ? KingSpooky 2022-06-16
4096 Darkside Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
10960 Dawn of Darkness Grc Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-18
5683 Dawn Patrol Hun Heavy Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12548 Day of Disaster Dnk Black/Doom Metal ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
5686 Days Alone Hun Gothic Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
12149 Days of Adversity Bel Thrash Metal/Hardcore ? Sullen Demigod 2024-06-29
695 Dazzler Ita? Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-08
487 De la Cruz Arg Heavy/Speed Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
10652 De Profundis Jpn Atmospheric Black Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-28
8645 De'Iventor Mys Black Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2023-04-21
696 Deacons Lodge Fra Nu-Metal, Gothic/Thrash Metal KingSpooky 2023-02-17
3535 Dead Lbn ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
8992 Dead Ahead Band USA Heavy Metal/Hard Rock joecubbie 2023-08-10
3333 Dead Bones Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
10859 Dead by Maniac Jpn Heavy Metal billm99uk 2023-12-12
10904 Dead by Wednesday USA Progressive Heavy/Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-13
10810 Dead Dogeaters Nor Thrash/Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-09
697 Dead End Fra ? ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2021-11-21
5029 Dead Frequencies Tur ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-19
699 Dead of Winter USA ? KingSpooky 2021-05-18
700 Dead Reckoning USA? Heavy/Death/Thrash Metal KingSpooky 2022-01-21
701 Dead Silence Deu Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock KingSpooky 2022-09-03
702 Dead Troith Idn Death Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2023-04-08
349 Dead World USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
6628 Dead Zone Rus Thrash Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
703 Deadend Bgr Thrash Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2023-01-05
11567 Deadline Gbr Melodic Heavy Metal ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-01-22
11583 Deadlock USA ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-24
2535 Deadly Atlantic Run Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
9581 Deadly Silence Fin Heavy Metal Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-03
12502 Deafen Reality USA Heavy Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2025-01-25
10723 Death a Way Deu End of Green Gothic Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-03
9050 Death Agressor Bra ? ? additional info; additional info RetinalBurns 2023-08-12
3060 Death Before Dishonor USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
704 Death by Dinosaur USA ? ? MDL 2022-02-14
3110 Death Child Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
2966 Death Construction USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3598 Death Crucifiers Bol ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3556 Death Curse Irq ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
10438 Death Deliverance Swe Thrash Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-01
685 Death Incision Can ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-27
10570 Death Joke ? ? ? ? fake? KingSpooky 2023-11-18
3463 Death Mosh Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
9142 Death Never Pain Cze? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
706 Death Person Jpn ? ? billm99uk 2023-01-21
4132 Death Ritual Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2022-11-25
12081 Death Road Jpn Thrash Metal ? billm99uk 2024-05-07
11747 Death to Glory and Fame Deu Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
395 Death Wart Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
3334 Death's Guitar Ind ? ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
385 Deathbed Arg Death Metal ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
10610 Deathboys Jpn Thrash/Groove Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-23
5030 Deathgate Tur Thrash/Death Metal baldadeath 2023-04-19
9147 Deathlike Stench Pol Death/Thrash Metal ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
11208 Deathmania Lux Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
11878 Deathposer Ita ? ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
708 Deathrider USA Thrash Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-03-04
709 Deathsaw Gbr Grindcore Necrodictator 2022-02-10
2237 Deathskull Bra ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
710 Deathstalker Grc Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-10-11
711 Debauchery Can Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-06-27
712 Debauchery USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-23
12139 Debris of Time Deu Metalcore ? ? additional info Antioch 2024-06-24
3732 Decadence Pri ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
713 Decadence USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-26
3067 Decapetator USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
714 Decapitator Aus Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-05-21
715 Decapitator Blr Death Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-12-21
12326 Decay Ukr Death Metal ? ? ? Necrodictator 2024-09-16
11990 Decay USA ? ? ? ? additional info Necrodictator 2024-03-17
716 Decay Gbr Melodic Death/Thrash Metal ? ? GraveWish 2021-11-27
9629 Decay USA Thrash Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-06
10838 Decay of Corrosion Swe Thrash/Doom Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
717 Decaying Woods ? Black Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-02-27
8825 December USA ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
718 Decembertale USA December Tale Symphonic Metal ? cranial crusher 2021-10-26
10666 Deception Nld Symphonic Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-29
12486 Deceptor Swe Thrash Metal ? ? Sullen Demigod 2025-01-15
4097 Decidian Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
136 Decimation USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2022-07-31
721 Decoder USA Rock, Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-27
722 Decomposed Faith USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-24
12064 Dedhedz ? Raw Black Metal ? ? to check back on Planetary_Misfortune 2024-04-18
5031 Deep Scream Tur ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-19
723 Deep Silence Fin Melodic Heavy Metal ? PaganiusI 2021-06-04
4160 Deep Sleep USA ? ? KingSpooky 2022-03-03
11116 Deepfrozen Deu Death Metal/Punk ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-26
724 Deeth Breed Jpn Heavy Metal billm99uk 2022-12-27
9148 Defamation USA? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
9149 Defedestracion Esp? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
8644 Defiance Mys ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-21
2538 Defiance Is Easy Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
726 Defiant Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-27
2844 Deformity Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
2999 Defusion USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
728 Deidad Esp ? ? additional info Halloween 2015-06-16
3787 Deimos Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
461 Deja Vu Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
10701 Delightful Solitude Prt Gothic Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-02
12450 Deliriant Can Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-11-08
2224 Delirium Grc ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2539 Deliverance Gbr NWOBHM ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
11726 Deliverence Gbr Heavy Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-02
2892 Delta Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
730 Delta Metal Company Esp DMC Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? BlackFlag 2021-10-31
731 Delubrum ? Melodic Death Metal ? to check back on KingSpooky 2023-05-14
9488 Delusion of Grandeur Nam ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-08-26
732 Demange Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-16
10994 Demencia Esp Death Metal/Grindcore ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-20
8846 Demencial Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-07-22
733 DeMent USA Death/Groove Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2022-11-06
10456 Dementious Reich USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-11-03
734 Demise Gbr Death Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2022-05-27
9922 Demized Faith USA Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-09-23
11063 Demogorgon Pol Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-23
11879 Demon Sleep ? ? ? ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
2540 Demonaxe Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
736 Demonizer Per Thrash Metal additional info PaganiusI 2022-08-13
9153 Demonnia Bra? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt; additional info Azmodes 2023-08-12
2278 Demonos Sgp ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
2541 Demons Eye Gbr NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
737 Demonspawn Nld? Bel? Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-03-26
345 Demonx USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
1823 Denny St. Patrick ? Heavy Metal/Shred ? KingSpooky 2023-01-05
738 Departure Deu Black/Death Metal Azmodes 2017-07-13
10802 Dependencia Hun Death/Thrash Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-09
2385 Depressive Vomitory Ita ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
3112 Depths of Abyss Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12187 Der Golem Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
3906 Desaster Area ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
12482 Descomposicion Ven Death/Doom Metal ? ? ? XLUIS3333 2025-01-05
2893 Descontrol Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
11880 Desecration of the Mind Gbr SDi Thrash Metal ? from Headbangers encyclopedia KingSpooky 2024-02-25
11207 Deseecration Pri Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-31
10485 Desert Eagles Nld Heavy Metal/Hard Rock KingSpooky 2023-11-08
740 Desform Jpn Thrash/Death Metal KingSpooky 2023-04-11
11455 Desiderius Nor? Death Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2024-01-20
741 Designio Arg Heavy Metal ? MA link baldadeath 2021-11-19
421 Desley Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
2212 Desperat Pol ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
10837 Despise Swe Thrash/Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
10348 Dessacra Esp Death Metal ? PaganiusI 2023-10-11
4140 Destination Unknown Deu Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-26
3656 Destiny Dom ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11885 Destiny Aus ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-26
3464 Destiny Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
11241 Destroyer 88 ? Black Metal ? 💩 NSBM💩 Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-03
12569 Destroyer of Darkness Bra Raw/Symphonic Black Metal ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
12583 Destruction Seol Bra Death/Black Metal ? ? ? ? additional info Of_This_Night36 2025-02-08
8260 Destruction, Violence & Mayhem USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-05
3113 Destruktor Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
6529 Deter-Mind Swe ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-12-20
11305 Dethroned Swe Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-06
9341 Detonator Uzb ? ? from Uzrock baldadeath 2023-08-13
11685 Detriment USA Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-01
11503 Deucalion Mne Black Metal ? ? from serbian-metal.org; additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
3847 Devastacion Ven Death/Thrash Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
12515 Devastator Can ? ? ? ? Sullen Demigod 2025-01-31
743 Deviant Plan Aus ? ? KingSpooky 2021-10-12
8973 Device USA Thrash/Groove Metal ? ? RetinalBurns 2023-07-28
11165 Devil Music Inc. USA Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-28
3335 Devil Worshiper Ind ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3908 Devil's Child ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
3396 Devil's Den Bgd ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12413 Devilmaycare USA Death/Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-10-14
11566 Devils Rope Nld Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-22
2208 Devilution Can ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
10430 Devital Jpn Brutal Death Metal ? additional info Auselesspileofflesh 2023-10-18
383 Devout Regime USA? ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
746 Diable Besta Morta Mex Thrash/Death Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-03-10
10985 Diable Vesta Mortar Mex Black Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-12-20
3039 Diabolic Oblation USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
3465 Diabolic Yard Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
747 Diabolizm Blr Black Metal ? 💩 NSBM; additional info; 💩 airzez 2022-11-28
12530 Diamond Can Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? ? KingSpooky 2025-02-07
748 Diamond Lady Gbr Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock, AOR Lord_Sauron 2020-07-08
10569 Diary Dnk Rock? ? ? ? used to be listed and deleted for likely being more rock KingSpooky 2023-11-18
749 Diaspora Deu Thrash Metal ? to check back on KingSpooky 2023-02-11
3114 Dickens Mdg Dickers ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
750 Dictator Jpn Thrash Metal ? billm99uk 2022-03-02
11766 Didaché Deu Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
12230 Die Hard Assault USA? Death/Groove Metal ? ? KingSpooky 2024-08-13
2985 Die Sieger USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
751 Die Smiley USA Thrash/Hard Rock/Heavy Metal additional info KingSpooky 2023-04-30
12334 Die Trends Jpn Thrash Metal/Hardcore ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-17
10698 Diemorah Aus Gothic Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-02
9364 Dies Irae Esp Heavy Metal/Crossover ? RetinalBurns 2023-08-17
5695 Diesel Hun Heavy Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal KingSpooky 2022-11-22
4211 Dilapitated Mlt ? ? baldadeath 2023-05-03
2342 Dillinger Fin ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
752 Dimensão Atroz Prt ? ? KingSpooky 2021-09-14
2415 Dimension Frost ? ? ? from Neseblod list; this one?; additional info Halloween 2015-06-02
753 Din Vipor USA Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? KingSpooky 2022-03-30
10996 Diplomatic Assembly Can Death Metal/Hardcore ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-20
754 Dire Train Deu ? ? KingSpooky 2022-04-09
4098 Dirge Gbr Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
5032 Dirilis Tur ? ? baldadeath 2023-04-19
11751 Dirt Candle Deu Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
756 Dis Pater Bra Heavy Metal/Hard Rock baldadeath 2021-08-17
11222 Disaster Ita ? ? ? same as MA link ? KingSpooky 2024-01-02
757 Disaster Cze Death Metal Necrodictator 2022-02-10
758 Disaster Area ? Thrash Metal ? G One 2020-11-16
12335 Disaster Gaze Jpn Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-17
759 Dischord Geo Deathcore ? PaganiusI 2022-08-07
760 Disciple USA Heavy Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-10-14
2210 Discipline USA ? ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-04
11504 Disenthral Srb Death Metal ? from serbian-metal.org Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-21
3467 Disharmonic Tur ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
761 Disharmony Idn Death Metal baldadeath 2023-04-08
6531 Dishonor Swe ? ? additional info KingSpooky 2022-12-20
762 Disillusion USA? ? ? KingSpooky 2023-03-31
764 Disinterment Swe Black/Death Metal ? bootleg only? Azmodes 2015-06-19
10561 Diskneeled Lva Thrash Metal ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-11-18
9166 Dismal Can? Thrash or Thrash-adjacent ? additional info; from TMG; details to be taken with a grain of salt Azmodes 2023-08-12
10957 Dismal Dreams Grc Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-18
765 Dismembered Can Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2022-07-05
5698 Disorder Hun Hardcore/Metal ? from hu.wikipedia.org, might be rock/non-metal; additional info KingSpooky 2022-11-22
11446 Disorder USA ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-18
766 Dissemblance USA Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2022-09-12
10473 Dissentient ? Black Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2023-11-05
768 Distant Thunder USA Heavy Metal Witcher 2019-06-15
4141 Distorted Dimension Deu Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2022-11-26
3425 Distribution Hkg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
769 Disturb Ltu Experimental/Heavy Metal KingSpooky 2020-12-08
10999 Disturb Can Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-20
9626 Disunion USA ? ? KingSpooky 2023-09-05
8703 Divided Humanity USA Death/Thrash Metal ? from Wisconsin list, to check back on KingSpooky 2021-11-28
11578 Divination USA? ? ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-01-23
770 Divine Demon Chl Death Metal ? PaganiusI 2022-08-07
12533 Divine Throne Bra Black Metal ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
12534 Divine Throne Bra Black/Doom Metal ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
5282 Divine Warrior Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
12337 Divinion USA Progressive Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-09-18
3788 Dixi Pry ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
3116 Djanatt Mdg Speed/Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? additional info; to check back on; additional info baldadeath 2021-08-18
11295 Djin Bra Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-05
775 DK * Police Jpn Heavy Metal additional info billm99uk 2022-02-18
2845 DNA Cub ? ? baldadeath 2022-10-30
11881 DNF Gbr Grindcore ? ? KingSpooky 2024-02-25
12188 DOA Ita ? ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
10447 Doctor Apocalypse USA ? KingSpooky 2023-11-02
6647 Doctrine Rus Black Metal ? slon1936 2023-05-08
776 Dog Eat Dog Jpn Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? billm99uk 2021-09-10
3536 Dogma Lbn ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
777 Dogtooth Violet USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-10-12
9589 Dollypop Fin Heavy Metal Miro Alhonniemi 2023-09-03
3117 DOM Mdg ? ? baldadeath 2021-08-18
12114 Dominion Pol Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-06-18
12536 Dommer Nld ? ? ? ? Of_This_Night36 2025-02-07
779 Don't Nld Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-12-06
780 Doom Guard Grc Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-11-06
2544 Doom Watch Gbr Doomwatch NWOBHM ? KingSpooky 2021-07-13
10424 Doomsayer Can Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-10-26
3912 Dormant Evil ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
4099 Dotcommunists Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
4100 Down Impact Gbr Thrash Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-07-18
783 Doxology Aus Heavy Metal Witcher 2021-06-20
784 Dozing Hedgehogs Jpn Thrash Metal ? billm99uk 2022-03-25
3913 Dr. Erixon Swe ? ? from Amethyst list; additional info KingSpooky 2021-05-13
785 Dr. Jekyll Ven Dr. Jekill Heavy Metal ? additional info; additional info BlackFlag 2021-11-17
786 Dr. Jest USA ? ? KingSpooky 2021-11-07
3914 Dr. Seizure ? ? ? from Amethyst list KingSpooky 2021-05-13
787 Drabbyst USA Heavy/Thrash Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-01-30
788 Draft Pol Progressive Metal ? KingSpooky 2023-02-27
6515 Dragon Fly Ita Heavy Metal ? additional info KingSpooky 2021-12-08
790 Dragons Swe Black/Death Metal ? Quorthallis 2022-08-24
456 Drakkar Arg ? ? BuriedUnborn 2023-06-16
792 Dramatis Idn Gothic Metal ? airzez 2023-01-26
10756 Draven USA Power Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-05
12340 Draw Back Jpn Heavy Metal ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-18
793 Dread Mex Death Metal ? baldadeath 2021-08-17
795 Dream Curse Idn Gothic Metal ? airzez 2023-01-26
8646 Dream Knight Mys Heavy Metal ? baldadeath 2023-04-21
796 Dream Maker Bra Power/Speed Metal ? KingSpooky 2020-12-24
12189 Dream Weaver Ita Dreamweaver ? ? from Marco Gulino (HMR) list KingSpooky 2024-07-27
10295 Dreamer USA Heavy Metal ? ? additional info Miro Alhonniemi 2023-10-01
5284 Dreamland Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
11748 Dreampath Deu Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
11425 Dreamscape Mlt Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-16
4101 Drederick Tatum Gbr ? ? KingSpooky 2021-07-18
11018 Dreg Nld Death Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-21
800 Driada Esp Heavy/Power Metal ? BlackFlag 2021-10-19
10714 Driven Esp Progressive/Groove Metal ? ? ? BlackFlag 2023-12-03
3042 Drone Slag USA ? ? from, near or played in California KingSpooky 2022-03-21
5285 Druidas Bra ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
12289 Dry September USA Heavy/Thrash Metal ? ? ? KingSpooky 2024-09-07
11613 Dtox Aus Heavy Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-27
12288 Du†Res Jpn Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-07
3733 Dukes Pri Hard Rock/Heavy Metal ? baldadeath baldadeath 2021-08-18
802 Dunkel Swe Black Metal ? 0th 2021-11-25
10856 Dust Ita Thrash/Post-Metal ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2023-12-11
803 Dustbin Deu Death Metal KingSpooky 2023-01-20
11745 Dustbin Deu Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-02-04
5278 DWE Bra D.W.E. ? ? from one of the Brazilian Rock Soldiers comps KingSpooky 2021-11-10
11240 Dyb Tragedie Dnk Black Metal ? Miro Alhonniemi 2024-01-03
805 Dying Wish Grc (Epic) Heavy Metal ? KingSpooky 2021-09-16
12342 Dynasty Jpn Heavy Metal/Hard Rock ? ? ? billm99uk 2024-09-19