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Band entries older than 8 years that are still lacking VR proof

ID Name Country AKA Genre VR Samples Discogs ms.de Slsk HMR Notes User Posted
103 Anti Christian Attack ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
280 Blast Furnace USA Thrash Metal ? MetalCuresHeadaches 2016-11-26
294 Bloodlust Swe Death/Thrash Metal ? Azmodes 2015-06-19
532 Cabal Can Black Metal ? Azmodes 2016-10-14
571 Chaotic Candelight ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
628 Cradle of Jesus ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
677 Dario Deu Heavy Metal ? Azmodes 2016-08-08
680 Dark Cove Gbr Black Metal ? Halloween 2015-07-04
764 Disinterment Swe Black/Death Metal ? bootleg only? Azmodes 2015-06-19
962 Glozgerdomus Fin Black Metal ? Halloween 2015-08-26
8293 Golgota Ltu Death Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
1101 Inhellation USA Death/Black Metal ? Halloween 2015-08-26
8297 INRI Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8268 Iron Hedgehog Est ? ? additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
1133 Israel's Cold Winter ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
8305 Lava Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8306 Medium Ltu Mediumas Heavy Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
1368 Morgh Swe ? ? Azmodes 2015-06-19
8375 Mtsiri Geo მწირი Progressive Metal/Hard Rock ? additional info; additional info; additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
1538 Pohjolan Ylijumala ? ? ? Halloween 2015-06-16
1541 Polttouhri Fin Black Metal ? Halloween 2015-11-06
8319 Porfiria Ltu Thrash Metal ? additional info; additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
8274 Predatory War Est Thrash Metal ? additional info; additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
8320 Raguose Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8350 Reanimator Ukr ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8322 Rokai Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8325 Sacrament Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8327 Seifas Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
8328 Slegeton Ltu Thrash Metal ? additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
1921 The Deeps Beyond Swe Melodic Death Metal ? additional info; additional info Profoundemonium 2016-04-28
8334 Trash Ltu ? ? baldadeath 2015-09-19
2001 TroneVakt Prt ? ? Qayn 2016-10-10
8335 Tvanas Ltu ? ? additional info baldadeath 2015-09-19
2090 Warmonger Swe Death/Doom Metal ? Azmodes 2015-06-19
2133 XES USA Raw Black Metal ? additional info Chinesegirlvoice 2016-04-28